Saturday, February 22, 2014

Whatever happen to you, just enjoy the show

This few last week, may become an exhausting week for us, DBLAB family. Some people may find it is exhausting, but some more, it just and ordinary week as usual.
Many things happen recently, I should say that in my opinion perfection actually doesn't exist in this world, since the perfection is Allah, only Allah. Something may become perfect if we make it perfect.

While looking for an inspiring blog, I found this site : I read their article entitled: 20 ways to wake your motivation. One of those 20 point is "writing a personal blog".
The greatest satisfaction you could ever have is in sharing what you know with others. I’ve never felt any better than when I’ve personally received an email from a reader of my own blog, telling me how much it’s helped them with their personal life.
This feeling can’t ever be bought and is without a doubt, the greatest thing you could ever do for your self-worth.
Can't agree more. Maybe I should promise to myself to write down every single experience I faced. Sometimes I found myself being so selfish, so desperate, so demotivate, and wanna quit from what I am doing right know. But, when I see my parents picture, hearing their voice, call them, and have motivational quotes from my mom and dad, my spirit looks like bursting. I will blame my self for not doing the best thing I have.

You may seems so poor and not happy if you think you are. So from now on, I say to myself to try to be happy, seeing everything from the other side, yes, the positive side.
Never regret what you already choose, because that is your own choice, you have to deal with it. Sometimes I feel so irritated by the one who regret their own decision. Hey man, that's you who decide, not me not anyone else. just deal with it.

Finally, I can only say that everything happens for a reason. Just enjoy it, although you may feel it not interesting, it is so pitiful, it is not meaningful at all. Just try to enjoy everything, be grateful for everything's happened to you. Starting with this though, maybe you can realize how beautiful your life is. :)

-Titus id-

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