Wednesday, January 22, 2014

#FoodHunt - Candy

I found this candy last night. What do we need to do first before we eat this ? Yep, we have to check the exact ingredients in it.

These are the ingredients list in Korean - English  :
식물성유지 - Vegetable oil
탈지분유 - Skim milk
당밀 - Syrup
소맥단벡(밀) - Danbek wheat (wheat)
당밀 - Syrup
식염 -
합성착향료 (밀크향버터향가라멜향반닐라향 ) - Synthetic flavoring (milk butter flavor, Vanilla Flavour, Caramel Flavour)
탈지분유 - Skim milk
가당연유 - Sweetened condensed milk
가당탈지연유 - Sweetened condensed skim milk
물엿 - Syrup
백설탕 - Sugar
가당연유, 유당, 백설탕 - Sweetened condensed milk, sugar, white sugar
가당탈지연유 - Sweetened condensed skim milk
식물성유지 - Vegetable oil

The ingredients 

From the ingredients I Translated, InsyaAllah this candy can safely be eaten. ^^

Monday, January 20, 2014

Reblog : Nak, Ibu Ingin Bicara Soal Milih-milih Perempuan…

Artikel ini adalah artikel Milik Ellen Maringka, yang saya reblog karena sangat-sangat menarik dan bijak, *untuk pengingat anak cucu ^^

July, 2013
Rasanya hampir tidak dapat dipercaya sekarang ibu menulis soal ini kepada dua anak laki laki yang sangat membanggakan hati. Ibu tidak bisa lebih bersyukur atau meminta kepada Tuhan memperoleh putra yang lebih baik daripada kalian.  Kalian bertiga adalah anugerah terbesar dan terindah yang Tuhan berikan kepada ibu.  I could never ask for more…
Membesarkan kalian adalah masa masa terindah dalam hidupku, sekalipun itu harus ditukar dengan prospek perkembangan karir, ibu bahagia memilih menjadi ibu rumah tangga dan menyaksikan kalian tumbuh.
Pada akhirnya ibu harus bicara soal jodoh, mengingat saat ini  kalian sudah cukup pusing dikejar kejar cewek yang tentu saja mengagumi kualitas yang ada dalam diri kalian. You were brought up with lots of love and values  from your parents. Never forget that.
Rasanya ibu tidak harus  panjang lebar mengulang kembali bagaimana menjadi laki laki sejati . Satu kalimat sederhana mampu mengungkapkan petuah panjang soal itu  : Contohilah ayahmu.
Soal cewek, ibu dapat memahami rasa heran maupun kebingungan kalian. Wanita memang tidak mudah dipahami. Sampai detik ini juga ibu kadang sukar memahami diri sendiri. Itu bagian misteri perempuan yang justru menambah keindahannya. Satu pemahaman umum sederhana adalah wanita ingin disayangi dan dilindungi.
Soal selera secara fisik, ibu tidak perlu komen panjang lebar. Masing masing kalian memiliki selera berbeda, dan itu sah sah saja… Selera itu adalah hak prerogatif yang tidak bisa diganggu gugat. Yang pasti secara jujur ibu harus mengatakan bahwa inner beauty adalah hal terpenting, tapi inner beauty tanpa dibungkus dengan kulit luar yang apik akan menjadi kurang maksimal karena kalian sebagai laki laki sejati tidak mau merasa malu membawa istri dan mengenalkannya kepada orang lain, terutama sahabat dan keluarga. Kalian berdua sudah cukup dewasa untuk mengartikan ini…
Dari dulu ibu tidak pernah rewel soal berteman. Yang selalu ibu ingatkan adalah harus selalu baik dan sopan kepada orang lain. Berkawanlah sebanyak mungkin. Jangan memilih milih teman karena status sosialnya maupun dilihat dari uangnya. Tidak semua yang kaya itu baik, tidak semua yang miskin juga baik. Uang hanyalah sarana dan alat membeli sesuatu yang dibutuhkan dan diinginkan. Uang itu perlu, oleh karenanya aturlah uang dengan baik, dan jangan pernah membiarkan uang mengatur kalian, apalagi sampai bisa membeli hati nurani.
Entahlah kalau ibu ibu yang lain… tapi ketika menyangkut soal memilih jodoh, ibu harus minta maaf lebih dulu. Jujur ibu akan sanget bawel soal ini.  Ibu tidak pernah mungkin bisa benar benar objektif menilai wanita yang akan menjadi istri kalian, tapi sedapat mungkin ibu janji akan bersikap adil dan fair sebatas kemampuan ibu. You two know that I am a fair person. Ibu benci ketidak adilan.
Meskipun sejujurnya ibu sudah berulang kali mengatakan… rasanya tidak ada wanita yang cukup pantas mendapatkan kalian. Ini  adalah  ungkapan kebanggaan seorang ibu kepada anak laki lakinya. Overdosis ? mungkin memang kedengaran berlebihan… but I can’t help it. Kelak istri kalian juga akan merasakan hal yang sama jika kalian memiliki anak laki laki…
Memilih istri itu mungkin kurang lebih mirip dengan memilih mobil… Ada begitu banyak ragam jenis mobil dengan spesifikasi yang berbeda. Kenali diri kalian.. ketahui apa yang menjadi selera kalian.  Satu hal prinsip yang paling berbeda antara istri dan mobil adalah : Istri itu abadi. Tidak bisa ditukar tambah kapan saja kalian mau. When you get married, you married for life.
Jangan pernah menikah hanya karena merasa sudah umurnya harus menikah.Menikahlah karena kalian merasa pasti bahwa dengan dirinya kalian akan saling membahagiakan selamanya.
Ini yang bisa ibu katakan mengenai petunjuk umum secara garis besar ketika itu menyangkut calon istri…
-  Look for the right chemistry. Kalian akan tahu itu ketika bertemu dengan yang cocok. Kalian akan menyadari bahwa rasanya masuk akal kenapa selama ini yang lain kurang menarik, dan ada sesuatu yang rasanya kurang sebelum bertemu dengannya.
Ada pesona tersendiri yang dibawanya yang memang melekat dalam dirinya tanpa dibuat buat.  Ibu pikir dulu ayahmu jatuh cinta dengan ibu karena diantara teman teman calon dokternya yang lembut feminin, tiba tiba nongol seorang wanita yang lain dari yang lain. Yang bisa memanjat pohon dan berantem dengan sangat baik….  Rupanya pria kalem yang tenang itu tergeletak tak berdaya dengan seorang gadisblak blakan yang kalau makan tidak pernah malu malu, dan bisa menyatakan pendapatnya dengan jujur,  sekalipun harus berbeda… Siapa yang bisa menyangka ? Tanya ayahmu soal chemistry… ibu tidak pernah bosan mendengar cerita klasik bagaimana dia jatuh cinta dengan ibu…
- Nilai kebaikannya bukan semata dari cara dia memperlakukan kalian, tapi bagaimana dia memperlakukan orang lain, terutama mereka yang lebih tidak beruntung dari dirinya.
Tentu saja wanita akan baik kepada pria yang dicintainya.  Kebaikan sejati itu dinilai dari bagaimana dia bersikap dan memperlakukan orang lain. Apakah dia adil dan jujur ? Apakah dia penuh belas kasih ?  Bagaimana dia menghormati orang tua dan memperlakukan teman temannya ? Dengan siapa dia bergaul ?. Bagaimana gaya hidupnya ? Apakah dia bisa tersenyum sama lebarnya ketika diajak makan di restaurant mahal  ataupun di warung Tegal yang murah meriah ?.
Perlu waktu untuk menilai ini semua. Tapi kalau soal jodoh, selalu ibu katakan, jangan merasa diburu buru.  Take your time… give time enough time.
- Pilihlah wanita yang mampu menertawakan dirinya sendiri. Ini kemampuan hebat yang sangat perlu. Hidup ini akan membawa kalian kepada banyak masalah dan lika liku… Tapi tidak ada yang lebih menyenangkan daripada  hidup bersama dengan wanita yang mampu membuat kalian tertawa.
Pilihlah wanita yang bisa tertawa ketika kalian mengatakan “kartu ATM-ku tertelan lagi….
Selera humor yang baik itu bukan menertawakan orang lain, tapi lebih kepada bagaimana dia bisa menertawakan dirinya sendiri dan melihat sisi lucu dan baik dari segala sesuatu.  Pada akhirnya cinta yang bergelora itu akan stabil… kupu kupu yang terbang tak tentu arah dalam perut kalian ketika pertama jatuh cinta, akan hinggap dengan tenang dan menetap, digantikan dengan rasa nyaman yang  menyenangkan…, tapi perekat cinta yang awet adalah tertawa bersama menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga kalian.
- Menikahlah dengan wanita yang memiliki prinsip hidup yang baik dan menghormati prinsip prinsipnya. Dia tidak harus selalu setuju dengan kalian. Buat apa menikah dengan orang yang selalu mengatakan ya ? When two person always agree, one is not necessary…
Pilihlah wanita yang mampu menyikapi perbedaan pendapat, mampu menghargai perbedaan selera dan berkompromi secara fair…
Menikahlah dengan wanita yang mampu bicara jujur demi kebaikan.
- Ini yang terakahir, tapi bukan berarti tidak penting…. Menikahlah dengan wanita yang menghormati kalian. Ibu akan menjadi orang yang paling naik pitam jika kalian dikasari. Terutama di depan umum. Never .. ever let a woman be rude to you.
Ibu bisa mengatakan ini karena ibu mendidik kalian untuk selalu menghormati dan menghargai wanita.  Cinta tanpa penghargaan bagaikan mobil tanpa setir, tidak berguna.
Well, you know your mother.. ini dulu yang bisa ibu katakan. Mudah mudahan tidak ada lagi yang perlu ibu tambahkan  kecuali bahwa I love you and will always be proud of you , my sons.
For Russell and Reinhart, with unlimited love from your Mum.)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Keluarga, Jodoh, dan Kokologi

Sedikit ingin menertawakan diri sendiri ketika saya menulis ini. Karena tak ada kaitan antar satu kalimat dengan yang lain, satu paragraf dengan yang lainnya. Ah tapi sudahlah, saya hanya ingin menulis.
Beberapa jam yang lalu saya menerima telfon dari ibu di rumah, seperti biasa kami diawali dengan salam dan saling menanyakan kabar dan apa yang sedang dilakukan saat itu.
Jika ada yang menyebut saya orang yang cuek, itu memang benar, jika ada yang menyebut saya orang yang aneh, itu memang benar, jika ada yang menyebut saya orang yang jahat, itu terserah anda yang menilai. Kebaikan atau keburukan pada seseorang memang orang lain yang menilai, akan tetapi objectivitas atas segala penilaian tersebut nampaknya hanya Tuhan yang tahu bukan? Kita sedikitpun tak berhak men-judge seseorang. Simpan penilaian yang buruk itu untukmu sendiri, untuk kau evaluasi, tapi bisa kau sebarkan penilain yang baik itu, bukan untuk pamer atau mendapat pujian, tapi untuk memotivasi diri sendiri untuk menjadi lebih baik.
Berbicara tentang diri sendiri, ada sedikit rasa iri ketika melihat foto-foto yang dipublish di facebook, instagram, atau sosial media lainnya yang berkaitan dengan pasangan, menikah, pre-wed, keluarga atau semacamnya. Saya bisa dibilang orang yang skeptis tentang pernikahan, keluarga bahagia, dan semacamnya, terkadang saya berfikir semua itu hanya ilusi, yang tak mungkin terjadi, dan hanya terjadi di drama korea, bukan di kehidupan nyata. Padahal kenyataannya saya dibesarkan oleh ayah dan ibu yang sangat bahagia dan harmonis, salah satu keluarga yang saya impikan saya miliki di masa depan nanti.
Teringat kokologi, kata orang kokologi adalah salah satu tebakan psikologis yang biasanya jawabannya memang merepresentasikan karakter dan watak, atau sudut pandang seseorang terhadap sesuatu. Berbicara tentang pernikahan, teringat salah satu kuis kokologi yang jawabannya mengindikasikan bahwa saya adalah orang yang menganggap suatu pernikahan adalah hal yang mustahil, imajiner, bahkan tak nyata. Dan saya juga tak paham mengapa saya bisa berpendapat seperti itu. Mungkin pernikahan dan keluarga yang bahagia bagi saya adalah sesuatu yang baru bisa dicapai ketika yang lain-lain sudah terpenuhi. Tapi kembali lagi, bahwa jodoh itu misteri, jodoh itu ada di tangan tuhan, yang bahkan kedatangannya, dan orangnya pun bisa tak kita sangka-sangka sebelumnya.
Kalo ditanya soal jodoh dan pernikahan, yang bisa saya jawab adalah saya sedang menunggu dikirmkan dan dipertemukan oleh yang Maha Kuasa, saya sedang menunggu nya, menunggu dengan penuh munajah. :)
Selamat berbahagia saudara-saudariku , ^^

-Titus id-

Siapa wakilmu ?

Terima kasih kepada mbak Angel Lelga yang menjadi inspirasi postingan ini. Rasanya baru kemaren Indonesia tengah ramai dengan yang namanya Pemilihan presiden. Ini merupakan tahun ketiga dimana mulai wakil rakyat, sampai dengan presiden dipilih melalu pemilihan langsung bukan melalui dewan perwakilan, meskipun tentu saja para wakilnya diajukan melalui berbagai seleksi.
Yang berbeda di 2014 dengan periode sebelumnya adalah, terdapat pencalonan konvensi dari partai. Ini juga saya baru tahu karena nonton mata Najwa. Beberapa diantaranya *yang saya tahu ada Anies Baswedan, Gita Wiryawan, dan Dahlan Iskan. Pertama mendengar nama-nama tersebut di atas, pasti kita langsung tahu, bahwa nama-nama itu adalah nama yang terkenal karena mereka menjadi pembawa inspirasi untuk negeri ini.
In other way, ditengah nama-nama calon yang disebut orang-orang pembawa inspirasi, ternyata ada juga nama yang mendadak heboh diberitakan *ini saya juga tahu berkat nonton Mata Najwa. Nama ini tak bukan adalah Angel Lelga. Tak ada maksud latah mengkritik mbak cantik satu ini, hanya mengingatkan diri sendiri, dan sedikit mengomentari berita yang ada. Hal pertama yang terlintas di benak ketika menonton video cuplikan acara ini adalah, perasaan kasihan dan miris. Mungkin kita tidak bisa menyalahkan beliaunya kenapa mau dijadikan sebagai calon nomor satu di partainya, padahal bahkan ditanya pertanian itu berada di komisi berapa saja masi gugup, atau bahkan ditanya mengapa orang harus memilih anda saja tidak yakin mau menjawab apa. Yang bisa disalahkan bisa jadi orang yang mencalonkan beliau, atau orang yang memiliki pandangan bahwa dengan popularitas masyarakat akan mau saja memilih, tanpa mempertimbangkan keadaan setelahnya. Yang jelas, kalau saya pribadi, jika ditanya, bukan menolak, tapi menyarankan untuk dikader, dan dibimbing terlebih dahulu saja. Agar beliaunya memiliki pemahaman yang baik, memiliki misi yang baik, yang menuju pada goal dan tujuan yang jelas akan melakukan apa nanti jika memang benar terpilih. 
Komentar terakhir untuk menyikapi hal ini adalah, dannn ingatlah, yang tahu akan kemampuan mu adalah dirimu, mungkin ada sebagian orang yang diberkahi kepercayaan diri luar biasa sampai menutup mata bahwa amanah yang diberikan tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan, atau memang sengaja pura-pura tak peduli demi mendukung oknum yang bekerja dibalik konspirasi ini.
Well, jawabnya yang tahu hanya Tuhan mungkin, Jika ditanya presiden siapa yang akan saya pilih, mungkin jawabnya adalah may..maybe pak ini, atau pak itu, atau, ya kita lihat saja nanti :D

Selamat hari senin, ^^

#365Grateful - Beautiful Fall

Iseng examining gallery foto, nemu foto ini :D

Maple Tree - @PNU 

Samsung center - Sasang

Traditional Korean Singer- @Samsung center Sasang

Sunday escape - Sasang Samsung Center

Friday, January 17, 2014

Sweet words from my Professor #2

Dear Student,
Please remember this,
  • Even if you are not in a good condition, nor good situation, you have to do the presentation proudly, you have to be proud of your work, you have to do it with full of confident.
  • Always send the progress that you have done, so we can know your problems, and your current status.
  • Do everything passionately,

That’s from me, Have a good day.  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sweet words from my Professor #1

Dear Student, Please work hard, I know that you have so many tasks, many projects need to do, and other small things that need to be taken care. However research is research, you have to think about it everyday. Doing only project is not enough, you are student, you are researcher, please remember that.

#365Grateful - Week 1

So, this morning I started the day passionately without taking a shower. Well yeah it’s not a big deal since it’s still winter. No need to touch the water regularly, just when it comes up necessary. Nothing special, but anyway I found very interesting topic, and interesting things to listen to. It is on-line Quran recitation. For women, Although you were on your period, you still able to enjoy this.
Hardly to say, I need to cook my own meal today in exchange of saving my little cent in my pocket. I have to do this, like or not. Gratefully, by using this kinda method I can taste Indonesian food regularly, since my cooking style is truly Indonesian. Fortunately it comes up well, and the result sometimes amazing.
And how about you? Do you prefer buy your meal outside instead of cooking by your own?. Well for me that’s not an option. I need to live and eat well, so that’s the only way I can afford. If we do the calculation, my monthly support fee not enough to buy me pizza. In the other hand, it’s more than enough to buy raw groceries and ingredients but need cooking ability. hehe
Enough talking about my day, some people wonder how about my study? Well yeah, it goes better recently. I start to be able to imagine what is my final goal, although it need many further works.
In the middle of my business, I got a call from delivery service, we call them tekbe. Haha, my rice come, so start from tomorrow again I can taste the 100% Korean rice, thank to mas Ardi who lend me his rice, just let me know if you also need more, I can lend you mine too as exchange.
This is short mind letter for my Mom
Mom, it’s me, I fight my laziness, and every limitation that exist, I need your Du’a and you permission to do all of this.
Alhamdulillah I can experience today as a wonderful and good day. I gather more knowledge, and experience. As day goes by, tomorrow, and the day and days after tomorrow probably I will do the same thing, yeah better thing.
How about your day ? hope it's nice ^^
#Listening Sherlock (UK) - The last vow

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lagi, saya menyebarkan virus KPOP

K-POP virus, semua berawal dari sini, muehehehe. Awal mula mengenal musik ini berkat Yuli, yang waktu itu pamer video klip boyband korea yang namanya BIGBANG. Waktu itu adalah MV- Haru-Haru yang in English artinya Day by Day. Saya adalah orang yang sama dengan beberapa teman saya yang tak menaruh simpati sama sekali dengan KPOP, tapi, time goes by, and time changes people indeed, tak lama setelah itu, music dan lagunya menyihir otak yang awalnya not responding sama KPOP, jadi punya radar kuat.
Nah nah, dari sini mulailah diri ini menyeleksi mana music-music yang worth buat didengar, dan band, girlband, atau boyband mana yang memang have good quality, not only their appearance and performance, but also their music class. Perbedaan genre dan manajement, serta karakter yang berbeda, akhirnya pilihan jatuh pada anak-anaknya YG, tak semuanya, but most of them memang baguss.
Artis terbaru mereka adalah Akdong Musicion, which is the winner of KPOPSTAR season 3 (talent searchnya korea untuk mencari musisi muda, disponsori oleh top 3 music management di Korea).
Video berikut ini adalah performance mereka di salah satu episode KPOPSTAR

Their music performance is good, we can even say it’s not just good, but awesome :D. Ada beberapa teman yang bilang kalo di KPOPStar mereka belum dipoles, masih polos dan 'original', maklum, di Korea terkenal banget sama yang namanya Plastic surgery a.k.a Oplas. Oplas bagaikan pergi ke salon buat ngilangin jerawat, most of them do plastic surgery, meskipun ndak semua juga sih, banyak juga yang emang originally beautiful and handsome kok.
Beberapa teman yang awalnya antipati, berkat dengerin macam CNBLUE, BIGBANG,  2NE1, Akdong, etc, akhirnya membuka mata dan membuka telinga, kalo music korea itu juga ada yang bagus. Mereka keren, dan yang lebih keren lagi adalah orang-orang yang bekerja di belakang mereka, biar musisi-musisi ini tetep berkualitas dan produktif. selamat buat Rina dan Mas Ardi yang sudah terjangkit virus KPOP. hehehe

2NE1 - Missing you
Akdong Musicion - Dont Cross Ur Leg
YoonMiRae - Touch Love  
Selamat hari Rabu ^^

-Titus ID

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

70 ways to improve your English

I just read an article about learning English, from this following source  :
70 ways to improve your english
This is the summary of 70 practical ways to improve your English :

  • start you own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making  grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they don't know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translation of your local news into English.
  • Write a news diary. Another daily writing task that can work for people who would be bored by writing about their own routines in a diary is to write about the news that you read and listen to everyday. If you include your predictions for how you think the story will develop (e.g. " I think Hillary will become president"), this can give you a good reason to read old entries another time, at which time you can also correct and mistakes you have made and generally improve what you have written.
  • Sign up for regular English tip. Some websites offer a weekly or even daily short English lesson sent to your email account. If your mobile phone has an e-mail address, it is also possible to have the tips sent to your phone to read on the way to work or school. Please note, however, that such service are not usually graded very well to the levels of different students, and they should be used as a little added extra or revision in your English studies rather than as a replacement for something you or your teacher have chosen more carefully as what you need to learn. 
  • Listen to MP3s. Although buying music on the internet is becoming more popular in many countries, not so many people know that you can download speech radio such as audio books (an actor reading out a novel) and speech radio. Not only is this better practice for your English than listening to English music, from sources like Scientific American, BBC and Australia's ABC Radio it is also free.
  • Listen to English music. Even listening to music while doing something else can help a little for things like getting used to the natural rhythm and tone of English speech, although the more time and attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the future.
  • Read the lyric to a song. Although just listening to a song in English can be a good way of really learning the words of the chorus in an easily memorable way, if you want to really get something out of listening to English music you will need to take some time to read the lyrics of the song with a dictionary. If the lyrics are not given in the CD booklet, you may be able to find them on the internet, but please note that some lyrics site deliberately put few errors into their lyrics for copyright reasons. Once you have read and understood the lyrics, if you then listen and read at the same time, this can be a good way of understanding how sounds change in fast, natural, informal speech. 
  • Sing karaoke in English. The next stage after understanding and memorizing a song is obviously to sing it. Although some words have their pronunciation changed completely to fit in with a song, most of the words have the same sounds and stressed syllables as in normal speech. Remembering which words rhyme at the end of each line can also be a good way of starting to learn English pronunciation.
  • Write a film, music, hotel, or book review. Another motivating and easy way to make yourself write in English is to write a review for a site such as Amazon or Internet Movie Database. Many non-native speakers write reviews on sites like this, an if you have some special understanding of the book, music or film due to your first language or knowing the artist personally, that would be very interesting for the English speakers who read and write reviews on the site. 
  • Only search in English. Switching your search engine to the English version of msn, yahoo, Google, etc. can not only be a good way of practicing fast reading for specific information in English, but could also give you a wider choice of sites to choose from and give you an idea of what foreigners are writing about your country and area. 
  • Read a book you've already read or seen the movie of in your own language. Although most language learners under Advanced level would probably learn more from reading a graded reader or something from the internet than they would from reading an original book written for English speakers, for some people reading something like Harry Potter in the original can be a great motivator to improve their English. To make this easier for you and make sure that it motivates you rather than just making you tired, try reading a book that you already know the story of. This not only makes it easier to understand and guess vocabulary, but you are also more likely to remember the language in it. If you have not read the book before, reading a plot summary from the internet can also help in the same way.
  • Read a translation into English. Another way of making sure books are easier to understand is to choose a book that was originally translated into English, preferably from your own language. Even if you haven't read the book in your own language, you will find the English is written in a slightly simplified way that is more similar to how your own language is written than a book originally written in English would be.
  • Skip the first ten pages. If you have given up with a book in English or are reading it very slowly, try skimming through the first ten pages or skipping them completely. The start of most books tend to be mainly description and are therefore full of difficult vocabulary and don't have a clear story line yet to help you understand what is happening and to motivate you to turn the next page. If the book is still too difficult even after the introduction part is finished, it is probably time to give that book up for now and try it again after you have read some easier things.
  • Read a book with lots of dialogue. Opening up books before you buy one and flicking through them to find one with lots of direct dialogue in it has several advantages. If there is less text on the page due to all the speech marks etc, this can make it easier to read and easier to write translations on. Dialogue is also much easier to understand than descriptive parts of a book, and is much more like the language you will want to learn in order to be able to speak English. 
  • Read English language entertainment guides. Nowadays most big cities in the world have an English language magazine and/or online guide to the movies, plays, exhibitions that are on the city that week. Reading this in English is not only good value, but it could also guide you to places that English speakers are interested in and where you might hear some English spoken around you. 
  • Read English language comics. Even more than books with lots of dialogue, comics can be easy to understand and full of idiomatic language as it is actually spoken. There can be difficulties with slang, difficult to understand jokes and/or dialogue written how people speak rather than with normal spellings, so try to choose which comic carefully. Usually, serious or adventure comics are easier to understand than funny ones. 
  • Read English language magazines. Like books, if you can read two versions of the same magazine (Newsweek in your language and in English, for example), that could make understanding it much easier.
  • Take a one week intensive course. Although you cannot expect to come out of a very short course speaking much better English that when you started it, if you continue studying a little over the following weeks and months, the knowledge you gained then will gradually come out and mean that your level of speaking, listening, etc. are better than they would have been if you hadn't taken that course. This positive effect can still be true up to a year later. 
  • Follow you intensive course up with an extensive course. The more time you can spend studying English the better, but studying periodic intensive courses with a few hours of study a week in between is probably better value for money than any other system as it gives you brain time to subconsciously learn and start using the new language you have learnt before you introduce the next new "chuck" of language.
  • Supplement your group class with a one to one class. Another good way to combine two different kinds of classes is to study both in a group class and one to one. Having a one to one teacher, even if just a couple of times a month, will mean that you can be taught exactly the language that you need, that you will have more time  to speak, and that you can have as much error correction as you like. 
  • Supplement your one to one class with a group class. The benefits of having a group class are often less clear to students, but they include the fact that you will learn to deal with several people speaking at once, have a chance to practice skills such as interrupting people, and will hear a range of different viewpoints and topics. 
  • Teach your children or friend some English. Recent research has shown that elder children tend to be a couple of IQ points above their younger siblings, and the most likely reason is that explaining things to their little  brothers and sisters gives then an intellectual boost. In the same way, teaching someone lower level than you the English you already know is a great way of permanently fixing that knowledge in you own brain.   
  • Ask your company to start English lessons. Even if you don't need to speak English at work, English lessons can be a fun and reasonably priced way for your company to spend their training budget in a popular way. 
  • Have English radio on in the background while you are doing your housework. Even if you are not listening carefully, it will help you get a feel for natural English rhythm and intonation.
  • Play English language learning games on your Nintendo DS. Although such games can have quite random language and are unlikely to improve your ability to speak English on their own, the next time you hear or read the same language elsewhere it will be really fixed in your brain by the fact you have played a game with it in already. It is also a nice way of taking a break from your other English studies while also doing some English. To make sure it really is a break to avoid wasting time learning language from the game that is not much used in daily life, don't bother writing down any language you see in the game, but just try to learn it from playing the game again.
  • Say or think what you are doing in English as you do your daily tasks. As you are doing your chores, try creating sentence describing what you are doing, e.g. 'I am unscrewing the ketchup bottle cap'. This gets you used to thinking in English without translating, and can be a good way seeing what simple vocabulary that is around you everyday you don't know yet. 
  • Watch English language films with English subtitles. For people who can't understand a film without subtitles but find themselves not listening at all when reading subtitles in their own language, this should be the way of watching a film that you should  aim for. If it is too difficult to watch the whole film this way, try watching the (usually important) first 10 or 15 minutes of the film with subtitles in your own language, switch to English subtitle after that, and only switch back to subtitles in your own language if you get totally lost following the story of the film.
  • Watch films in your language with English subtitles. If you are finding English films with English subtitles too difficult or you can't find English films with English subtitles in your local video shop, this is a good second best option. Looking for local films with English subtitles can also sometimes be a good sign of quality, as it means the producers of the film are expecting it to be popular internationally as well.
  • Watch English films with subtitles in your language. Again, this is not as good as practice as English language films with English subtitles, but it is more relaxing, can be easier to find suitable DVDs for, and is also possible with VHS. 
  • Watch the same film or TV episodes over and over again. This can not only save you money on DVDs but will mean that you can really learn the language without having to study it. Some comedies can also get funnier the more you watch them, especially if you watch them with no subtitles and so understand a little more each time you watch it. 
  • Be realistic about your level. One thing that holds many language learners back is actually trying too hard and lacking something that their brain is not ready for yet. Checking your level with a level check test on the internet, by taking an English language test (FCE, CAE, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, etc.), or by taking a free trial level check and/or lesson in a language school will help you find out what your level is and so choose suitable self-study materials. 
  • Be realistic about your reading level. Most researchers agree that people learn most when reading something they understand almost all of. If there are one or two words per page that you have never seen before, that is about the right level. If there are three of more on every page, you should switch to something easier and come back later. 
  • Read graded readers (=easy readers). These are books that are especially written for language learners like you, e.g Penguin Readers. Although it can be difficult to find something as interesting as things written in newspapers or on the internet, in terms of learning the language only people who need to read for their work or an exam usually gain more from reading things written for graded readers. Graded readers of classic books like Charles Dickens also have the benefit of giving you a lot of knowledge about the literature, and culture more generally, of English speaking countries in a short time. 
  • Read the whole thing with no help. Although using a dictionary has been shown to help with both short term and long term learning of vocabulary, the fact that using it slows reading down can stop some people reading in English at all. Reading a whole book quickly through just for pleasure from time to time will help you remember how fun reading in another language can be.
  • Read and learn everything. At the opposite extreme. It can be hard work but very satisfying to get to the end of a book knowing that you have learnt every word in it. See other tips on this page to make sure it s a book that it easy enough to do this with and to ensure that the vocabulary you learn is useful. 
  • Watching English children's films or TV programmes. Although some of the vocabulary you can learn from things made for children can be a bit strange (lots of animal names and maybe animal  noises, including baby names for things), the fact that not only the language but the structure of the story is simplified can make it an easy and motivating thing to watch. Like good language learning materials, the same language is also often repeated to make it memorable, and the use of catchy songs etc. can increase this positive effect on you memory. 
  • Read English children's books. This is very similar to watching English children's movies, but with the added advantage of there being more illustrations than adult books, which both helps you to understand the story and makes the page brighter and more motivating to read. 
  • Keep a list of language to learn, e.g a vocal list. Even if you don't even find time to go through you vocab list and it keeps on building up, just the act of choosing which words you need to learn and writing them down on a special list can help you learn them. 
  • Go through you vocab list several times every day. If ticking off words on a vocabulary list on the train to work is inconvenient or embarrassing for you, you can keep your list words to learn as an entry in you electronic dictionary, as a mobile phone to do list or as a text file in your MP3 player (e.g. iPod). Although the time spend transferring the information between different formats like these may seem wasted, in fact any time you spend using the vocabulary like this will help you learn it.
  • Convert your vocab list to English only. One way to stop yourself translating and therefore increase your speed of comprehension and production is to learn all your vocabulary without the use of your own first language. Ways you can write a vocab list in only English include with synonyms (words with the same meaning, e. g "tall" and "high"); with opposites ("high" and "low"); with pronunciation factors such as number of syllables (the number of beats, e.g. three for "de- ci- sion") and the word stress (the syllable that is pronounced louder and longer, e.g. the second syllable in "baNAna"); and gapped sentences (e.g. "I am not _________________ in science fiction" for the word "interested").
  • Cross out and delete. Crossing out or deleting words, sentences or whole pages that you have learnt can be a great motivator, and save your list of things to learn becoming too big to handle.
  • Throw everything away and start again. One of the things that can put most people off learning is a stack of half finished books or a huge list vocabulary waiting to be learnt. Simply getting rid of all that and starting again with something new from zero can be a great motivator and get your studies underway again.
  • Label things in your house or office with post-its. The easiest vocabulary to learn is the vocabulary of things you see and use everyday. If you can write the names of things around you on slips of paper and stick them on the real thing, this is a great way of learning useful vocabulary. If you can leave them there over the following days and weeks, this is a very easy way of revising the vocabulary until it is properly learnt.
  • Label a drawing. For people who can't put labels on real things, the next best option is to take a photo of a real place in your life like your office, print it out, and then draw lines to all of the things you can see in the picture and label them in English with the help of a dictionary. You can do the same thing with places you pass through everyday like the station. Because you will see the same thing again and again, it should be easy to really learn the words for those things.
  • Keep a diary in English. This is a popular method of making sure you use English everyday for people who don't often speak English and can't think of things to write about. The fact that you are writing about real things that have happened to you means that any words you look up in the dictionary will be vocabulary that is useful for you and easy to learn.
  • Online chat. The closest thing to speaking for people who don't have the chance to speak English is online chat, as you have to think and respond quickly, and the language is short and informal just like speech.
  • Listen to the radio news in English. You can make this easier by reading the news in English first, or even just by reading or listening to the news in your own language.
  • Read an English language newspaper. Freebie newspapers like "Metro" in London are usually the easiest to understand, followed by mid-brow titles like "The Daily Express" or "The Daily Mail" in English. Popular newspapers like "The Sun" are more difficult because of the idiomatic, slangy use of language and the number of jokes in the headlines and articles.
  • Write fiction in English, e.g. short stories. For people who find writing a diary about things that happen to them everyday boring, the best thing is to let your imagination go and write about whatever comes into your head. The advantage of this is that if you can't think of how to say something in English, you can just change the story to something that is easier to explain. Perhaps the easiest way to start writing fiction in English is with a diary, changing any details you like to make it more interesting and adding more and more fantasy as the weeks go on.
  • English language exercise videos. This is quite similar to how babies learn, by listening, watching and copying. It is also good for your health!
  • Learn a famous speech or poem in English by heart. Although you may never hear or get the chance to say exactly that line, having one memorable example of an English grammatical form in your head can make it much easier to learn other examples of the same grammar as you hear them. It is also something you can practice over and over without being as boring as grammatical drills.
  • Get tipsy (= a little drunk) before speaking English. This can not only improve your fluency while you are drinking, but can also improve your confidence in future days and weeks by showing you that you can communicate what you want to say.
  • Use a dictionary while you are watching a movie. Films often have the same words many times, so if you look up important words the first or second time you hear them, you should have learnt them by the end of the film. It is easier to use a dictionary if you watch with English subtitles.
  • Learn and use the phonemic script. Although there are many sounds in English, there are even more spellings. By learning the phonemic script and writing vocabulary down with it, you can both add another stage to your vocabulary learning that should help you learn it more thoroughly, and improve your pronunciation. It can also make things easier for you by stopping you trying to pronounce different spellings of the same pronunciation different ways.
  • Learn some spelling rules. Many people think that English spelling is random, but in fact most words follow some kind of rule, e.g. the "magic E" that changes the pronunciation of "mad" and "made".
  • Record your own voice. For people who don't have much or any correction of pronunciation from a teacher, recording yourself and listening back makes it easier to hear whether you are really making the English sounds that you are trying to or not.
  • Use computer pronunciation analysis. Although most programmes that claim to tell you when you are pronouncing correctly or not don't actually do that, listening many times and seeing how your voice changes as you try to match the sounds and waveform given by a pronunciation CD ROM can be good practice and more motivating than just recording your own voice.
  • Learn as many words as you can of one category, e.g. animal words. Learning similar words together can both expand your overall vocabulary and make them easier to learn by forming links between the words in your brain.
  • Take holidays abroad. This is not only a good opportunity to speak English in situations where you really have to make yourself understood in order to live, but it is also a good motivator to study English seriously in the weeks and months before your trip. If possible, also try to use English even when you could use your own language, e.g. when you pick a guided tour of a museum or historic place or when you book a flight on the internet, and try to avoid package tours.
  • Draw pictures of the words you want to learn. Especially if you are artistic, this can be a better way of learning vocabulary than writing translations or example sentences.
  • Find a foreign boyfriend or girlfriend. No tips on how to do this here, but everyone agrees that getting or even just looking for a date in English can be a great motivator to improve your language skills.
  • Arrange a conversation exchange. Swapping lessons and conversation with someone who wants to learn your language can be a good alternative for those who aren't looking for romance, or can sometimes lead onto dating for those who are!
  • Sign up for an English language exam. Even if you don't need to take an exam and don't want to or can't take a special course to study for it, paying to take an exam like TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS or FCE can really motivate you take your English studies seriously.
  • Model your accent on one particular actor. e.g. try to speak like Robert De Niro. Students who say they want to sound more like a native speaker have the problem that native speakers don't sound all that much like each other. Choosing one model can make the task of improving your pronunciation more clear, and is quite fun. Doing an impression of that person also makes a good party trick.
  • Use an English-English dictionary. Trying to use a bilingual dictionary less and switching to a monolingual one can help you to stop translating in you head when you are speaking or listening, and other useful English vocabulary can come up while you are using the dictionary.
  • Occasionally talk to or e-mail your friends in English. Many people find this a bit false or embarrassing, but if you think of it as a study club and set a particular time and/ or place, it is no different from studying maths together.
  • Go to an English or Irish pub. As well as having a menu in English and being a good way of finding out something about the culture of English speaking countries, you might also find there are free English language listings magazines, English language sports on the TV and/ or foreign people you can speak to.
  • Buy a speaking electronic dictionary. Although most electronic dictionaries are not as good as paper ones for the amount of information they give you about each word, some of them have the very useful function of saying the word with the correct pronunciation.
  • Learn your electronic dictionary vocabulary list. Most electronic dictionaries also have a button which you can push to see the last 30 or more words you looked up. By deleting words you decide are useless or you have already learnt from this list, you can use it as a "to do list" of words to learn that you can look at several times a day in the train etc.
  • Switch operating system to English. Changing the operating language of your mobile phone, video recorder etc. to English can be an easy way of making sure you use the language everyday.
  • Set goals. Deciding how many hours you want to study, how many words you want to learn or what score you want to get in a test are all good ways of making sure you do extra study.

  • Convert your vocab list to English only. One way to stop yourself translating and therefore increase your speed of comprehension and production is to learn all your vocabulary without the use of your own first language. Ways you can write a vocab list in only English include with synonyms (words with the same meaning, e.g. "tall" and "high"); 


    Wednesday, January 8, 2014

    Morning blabbing

    Today I started the day with a little shock since I saw the clock pointed out at 8.50. And yeah because last 2 days I ate fried rice that seasoned instantly with instant seasoning, my throat get worse. I read the article about MSG to be exact, it doesn't cause any danger to our body, however It might cause very dangerous to the person with allergic of MSG.Cant agree more that MSG really make my day.

    I don't know why suddenly I would like to talk about financial thingy. muehehe. What's on your mind if you meet someone who willing to spend his/her money for something unuseful ? well the answer is, I can not blame him/her, however we must be wise to spend every cent of our money. It doesn't mean that we are being so stingy because we count every cent we spend, but just think about the sustainability. We still have tomorrow, to make sure we can live, eat, and do everything well, we have to think about this importance issue. The most importance quote is, buy what u need, not what u want. But sometimes, the blingbling of price can't just be ignored.

    Blame me for not being wise last night, since I bought new backpack because it cost only 5900 won, OMG it is cheaper than classic potato hashbrown. haha. And you know what, if I didnt hold my desire to pick the sweet shoes, maybe right now I already spend my other 20bucks because there's payless corner soft opening. I didnot have to go to seoul to get the shoes i want, I just need to ride my bike then. :D

    Well, This post actually about my last night sin. So,  Lets do productive think today, cao cao, anyyeonggg !! ^^

    Selamat jalan adek kecil

    Hari ini entah 4 atau 5 hari sepeninggal adek kecil yang bahkan belum sempat diberi nama oleh orangtuanya.

    Mendengar dari cerita ibu, ada perih, bercamput tak tega, sedih, dan semua rasa yang tak bisa dideskripsikan lagi.
    Selamat menghadap yang Kuasa adek kecil, engkau pengantar surga bagi ibumu. Doa terbaik terkirim untukmu, bukan orang tua, bukan siapa yang salah. Bagaimanapun kita harus dan wajib bersyukur, karena semua yang terjadi, direncanakan, dan ditentukan oleh Nya pasti penuh hikmah.

    Selamat padamu adek kecil, selamat bermain dan berbahagia bersama bidadari-bidadari di sana, doakan ibu dan keluargamu di sini, agar bisa melakukan yang terbaik, untuk sesama manusia, dan kepada Allah Subhanahuwata'ala.

    Selamat kembali kepada-Nya, kami ikhlaskan dirimu adek  :)

    Sweet early unnamed gift ^^

    This is my first post in This year.

    Last night, I got special gift from my sisters. I call them sisters because they were definitely considered as my real sister here. The story begun when they asked me to go out for dinner. I said to them that I dont have money, "don obseo" in korean. However they still persistenly insist me to join them in dinner, because they had an important things. Firstly I didn't realize that there is anything wrong, but Suddenly Mbak din asked me to try wearing new shoes, well, where the h*ll this shoe come from ?

    I just follow what they told me to do, and taraa, the shoes is very nice, although my food cant compromize, since it so hurt. Long story short, Mbak Din and Mbak Di just ask me to follow them, go some shoe store, to try some shoes whether I can find the good and suitable one for my special foot :D. Finally there is one shoes that actually fit on mine, but it's too expensive I think. and yeah, I just told them to buy another from Gm#rket. Yeah they sell several things cheaper than normal price we get from ordinary department store or supermarket. Yes, the deal is over we just leave the dept store and go back to reality.

    I just go home as normally and usually I do, but, when I am in front of my door, there is one paperbag contains new shoes. Yes a cute brown furry boot. The actually find it by themselves and give it to me as special gift for my birthday. Yeah, this year I get my age added, but not now, not today nor this month. It is a couple of sweet gift, Thank you, thank you ^^

    If if you realize what are we doing here, yeah we are doing this because we are done doing surprize thingy, we are too old for that. :D. Hope we all have great and wonderful years ahead. Do everything and finish everything well. And the most important thing is, we can survive and fight here. ^^. Fightiiiing

    Anyway, thank you very very very much my lovely sisters, I owe you all my half life. :D