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Cublak-cublak suweng, suwenge teng gelenter,
mambu ketundhung gudel, pak empo lera-lere,
sopo ngguyu ndhelikake, Sir-sir pong dele kopong,
Sir-sir pong dele kopong, sir-sir pong dele kopong.
Lagu dolanan anak-anak di Jawa, karya Sunan Giri (1442M) ini berisi syair ‘sanepo’ (simbol) yg sarat makna, tentang nilai-nilai keutamaan hidup manusia.
Cublak-cublak suweng,
Cublak Suweng artinya tempat Suweng. Suweng adalah anting perhiasan wanita Jawa. Cublak-cublak suweng, artinya ada tempat harta berharga, yaitu Suweng (Suwung, Sepi, Sejati) atau Harta Sejati.
Suwenge teng gelenter,
Suwenge Teng Gelenter, artinya suweng berserakan. Harta Sejati itu berupa kebahagiaan sejati sebenarnya sudah ada berserakan di sekitar manusia.
Mambu ketundhung gudel,
Mambu (baunya) Ketundhung (dituju) Gudel (anak Kerbau). Maknanya, banyak orang berusaha mencari harta sejati itu. Bahkan orang-orang bodoh (diibaratkan Gudel) mencari harta itu dengan penuh nafsu ego, korupsi dan keserakahan, tujuannya untuk menemukan kebahagiaan sejati.
Pak empo lera-lere,
Pak empo (bapak ompong) Lera-lere (menengok kanan kiri). Orang-orang bodoh itu mirip orang tua ompong yang kebingungan. Meskipun hartanya melimpah, ternyata itu harta palsu, bukan Harta Sejati atau kebahagiaan sejati. Mereka kebingungan karena dikuasai oleh hawa nafsu keserakahannya sendiri.
Sopo ngguyu ndhelikake,
Sopo ngguyu (siapa tertawa) Ndhelikake (dia yg menyembunyikan). menggambarkan bahwa barang siapa bijaksana, dialah yang menemukan Tempat Harta Sejati atau kebahagian sejati. Dia adalah orang yang tersenyum-sumeleh dalam menjalani setiap keadaan hidup, sekalipun berada di tengah-tengah kehidupan orang-orang yang serakah.
Sir-sir pong dele kopong,
Sir (hati nurani) pong dele kopong (kedelai kosong tanpa isi). Artinya di dalam hati nurani yang kosong. Maknanya bahwa untuk sampai kepada menemu Tempat Harta Sejati (Cublak Suweng) atau kebahagiaan sejati, orang harus melepaskan diri dari atribut kemelekatan pada harta benda duniawi, mengosongkan diri, tersenyum sumeleh,rendah hati, tidak merendahkan sesama, serta senantiasa memakai rasa dan mengasah tajam Sir-nya atau hati nuraninya.
Pesan moral lagu dolanan “Cublak Suweng” adalah:
“Untuk mencari harta kebahagiaan sejati janganlah manusia menuruti hawa nafsunya sendiri atau serakah, tetapi semuanya kembalilah ke dalam hati nurani, sehingga harta kebahagiaan itu bisa meluber melimpah menjadi berkah bagi siapa saja ”.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
#Korean Life Tips - used item
Kalo ada orang yang buang barang di tempat sampah, perhatikan barangnya, kalo masih bagus dan bisa dipakai, langsung bungkus :P- Pengalaman beberapa kali nemu barang bagus di tempat sampah, ex : panci, gitar, piring, gelas, mangkuk, dll :P, dan orang korea sepertinya ga kenal yang namanya reparasi.
-Titus id-
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Manisnya negeri ini - Pujiono (Indonesian Idol 2014 audition)
Memang manis-manis gula-gula
Begitu juga negeri kita tercinta
Banyak suku-suku dan budaya
Ada jawa, sumatera sampai papua
Semuanya ada disini
Hidup rukun damai berseri seri
Ragam umat- umat agamanya
Ada islam, ada kristen, hindu, budha
Semuanya ada disini
Bersatu di bhineka tunggal ika
Indonesia Negara kita tercinta
Kita semua wajib menjaganya
Jangan sampai kita terpacah belah Oleh pihak lainnya
Pancasila dasar Negara kita
Dengan UUD tahun 45 nya
Jangan sampai kita diadu domba oleh bangsa lainnya
Begitu juga negeri kita tercinta
Banyak suku-suku dan budaya
Ada jawa, sumatera sampai papua
Semuanya ada disini
Hidup rukun damai berseri seri
Ragam umat- umat agamanya
Ada islam, ada kristen, hindu, budha
Semuanya ada disini
Bersatu di bhineka tunggal ika
Indonesia Negara kita tercinta
Kita semua wajib menjaganya
Jangan sampai kita terpacah belah Oleh pihak lainnya
Pancasila dasar Negara kita
Dengan UUD tahun 45 nya
Jangan sampai kita diadu domba oleh bangsa lainnya
Let it go - versi Jowo
Rasanya baru kemaren dengerin versi Aransemen Africa nya let it go, ternyata ada yang lebih wow dari itu, Let it go versi jawa. Baru 5 menit lalu mbak Riska kasi link di soudcloud, silakan mendengarkan dan pahami liriknya. Jika anda adalah orang jawa, dijamin bakal susah untuk tidak tertawa sampai gulung2 :D.
Enjoy it
Enjoy it
Saturday, February 22, 2014
#Foodhack - Bubur Kacang Hijau
Bahan :
- 250 gram kacang hijau, rendam dengan air 2 jam dalam wadah tertutup
- 500 ml air
- 100 gram gula merah, sisir
- 1 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dalam 2 sdm air
- 1/2 sdt vanilla esence
- 150 ml santan kental
- Gula Pasir
- 100 gram nangka matang; iris kecil kecil
- 100 gram kolang kaling; cuci bersih lalu tiriskan
- 2 lembar daun pandan
- Didihkan air, masukkan kacang hijau.
- Kecilkan api, tutup dan biarkan sampai kacang menjadi empuk.
- Masukkan gula, pandan, vanila, garam, nangka, kolang-kaling, dan santan, aduk
- Besarkan api sampai mendidih
- Tambahkan gula pasir jika kurang manis
- Masukkan larutan maizena, aduk cepat lalu segera angkat setelah bubur mengental.
Tips :
Daun pandan dapat dipotong-potong atau diikat saja sehingga mudah dibuang.
Bila merendam biji kacang hijau sebelum saat dimasak dengan menggunakan air hangat, waktu yang diperlukan 2-3 jam. Namun merendam dengan menggunakan air suhu ruang memerlukan waktu 6-8 jam.
Kacang hijau yang mengapung waktu direndam memiliki kualitas yang tidak terlalu baik. Untuk hasil yang lebih baik silahkan Anda gunakan kacang hijau yang tidak mengapung.
Cara memasak kacang hijau yang menyehatkan adalah dengan cara tidak menambahkan santan saat pemasakan. Jika Anda ingin menambahkan santan, pilihlah santan yang encer.
Bila merendam biji kacang hijau sebelum saat dimasak dengan menggunakan air hangat, waktu yang diperlukan 2-3 jam. Namun merendam dengan menggunakan air suhu ruang memerlukan waktu 6-8 jam.
Kacang hijau yang mengapung waktu direndam memiliki kualitas yang tidak terlalu baik. Untuk hasil yang lebih baik silahkan Anda gunakan kacang hijau yang tidak mengapung.
Cara memasak kacang hijau yang menyehatkan adalah dengan cara tidak menambahkan santan saat pemasakan. Jika Anda ingin menambahkan santan, pilihlah santan yang encer.
Resep diambil dari sini :
Happy Graduation Mbak Dini
Sedih, Bangga, dan ikut bahagia kalo melihat dan merayakan graduation ceremony. Sedih karena akan ditinggalkan salah satu keluarga ketemu gede yang di sini, ikut Bangga melihat salah satu rekan yang berjuang akhirnya berhasil lulus dengan memuaskan, ikut bahagia karena dengan lulus akhirnya Mbak Din bisa kembali ke ibu pertiwi, untuk mengabdi dan membagi Ilmunya demi Indonesia.
Selamat lulus selamat bahagia, selamat mengabdi dan mencerdaskan bangsa Mbak Din :). Bakal kangen sama lucunya mbak Din, sama baiknya mbak Din, sama bolu, jelly, dan kuekuenya mbak Din, sama coklat susu bikinannya mbak Din, sama kalemnya mbak Din, sama semua-semuanya. :'). Sekali lagi selamat mbak Din, sukses selalu ya, dunia akhirat. Segera ketemu mas-mas yang sholeh, ndang nikah, ndang punya dedek, ndang kembali ke sini lagi *buat liburan atau sekolah lagi :D
Congratulations mbak Din, It's not goodbye, It's time to fly ^^
Selamat lulus selamat bahagia, selamat mengabdi dan mencerdaskan bangsa Mbak Din :). Bakal kangen sama lucunya mbak Din, sama baiknya mbak Din, sama bolu, jelly, dan kuekuenya mbak Din, sama coklat susu bikinannya mbak Din, sama kalemnya mbak Din, sama semua-semuanya. :'). Sekali lagi selamat mbak Din, sukses selalu ya, dunia akhirat. Segera ketemu mas-mas yang sholeh, ndang nikah, ndang punya dedek, ndang kembali ke sini lagi *buat liburan atau sekolah lagi :D
Whatever happen to you, just enjoy the show
This few last week, may become an exhausting week for us, DBLAB family. Some people may find it is exhausting, but some more, it just and ordinary week as usual.
Many things happen recently, I should say that in my opinion perfection actually doesn't exist in this world, since the perfection is Allah, only Allah. Something may become perfect if we make it perfect.
While looking for an inspiring blog, I found this site : I read their article entitled: 20 ways to wake your motivation. One of those 20 point is "writing a personal blog".
You may seems so poor and not happy if you think you are. So from now on, I say to myself to try to be happy, seeing everything from the other side, yes, the positive side.
Never regret what you already choose, because that is your own choice, you have to deal with it. Sometimes I feel so irritated by the one who regret their own decision. Hey man, that's you who decide, not me not anyone else. just deal with it.
Finally, I can only say that everything happens for a reason. Just enjoy it, although you may feel it not interesting, it is so pitiful, it is not meaningful at all. Just try to enjoy everything, be grateful for everything's happened to you. Starting with this though, maybe you can realize how beautiful your life is. :)
-Titus id-
Many things happen recently, I should say that in my opinion perfection actually doesn't exist in this world, since the perfection is Allah, only Allah. Something may become perfect if we make it perfect.
While looking for an inspiring blog, I found this site : I read their article entitled: 20 ways to wake your motivation. One of those 20 point is "writing a personal blog".
Can't agree more. Maybe I should promise to myself to write down every single experience I faced. Sometimes I found myself being so selfish, so desperate, so demotivate, and wanna quit from what I am doing right know. But, when I see my parents picture, hearing their voice, call them, and have motivational quotes from my mom and dad, my spirit looks like bursting. I will blame my self for not doing the best thing I have.The greatest satisfaction you could ever have is in sharing what you know with others. I’ve never felt any better than when I’ve personally received an email from a reader of my own blog, telling me how much it’s helped them with their personal life.This feeling can’t ever be bought and is without a doubt, the greatest thing you could ever do for your self-worth.
You may seems so poor and not happy if you think you are. So from now on, I say to myself to try to be happy, seeing everything from the other side, yes, the positive side.
Never regret what you already choose, because that is your own choice, you have to deal with it. Sometimes I feel so irritated by the one who regret their own decision. Hey man, that's you who decide, not me not anyone else. just deal with it.
Finally, I can only say that everything happens for a reason. Just enjoy it, although you may feel it not interesting, it is so pitiful, it is not meaningful at all. Just try to enjoy everything, be grateful for everything's happened to you. Starting with this though, maybe you can realize how beautiful your life is. :)
-Titus id-
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
#Foodhack-Macaroni Schotel (kukus Magic Jar)
Berikut ini cerita dari experimen mbak Hasni yang bikin Macaroni schotel padahal di rumah kita tak memiliki oven, tempat kukusan, atau semacamnya, jadilah pake Magic Jar buat pemanggangnya :D
Berikut bahannya :
Macaroni schotel - masak magic jar |
Berikut bahannya :
- Macaroni 150 gram, rebus hingga 3/4 matang
- Keju 150 gram (pakai keju mozarella)
- Telur 6 butir
- Daging cincang 50gram
- Susu cair 200 ml
- Margarin 2 sendok makan
- Kentang dan wortel kurang lebih 100 gram, potong dadu kecil
- Bawang Bombay 1/2 buah
- Merica 1/4 sendok makan
- Gula 1 sendok teh
- Garam 1/2 sendok teh
Cara memasak :
- Tumis bawang bombay hingga layu, masukkan daging cincang, macaroni, telur dan sayur
- Masukkan gula, garam, merica
- Tuangkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk, jika rasanya sudah pas, adonan siap untuk dipanggan
- Tuangkan adonan ke dalam loyang magic jar sampai kedalaman 7~10 cm
- Masak seperti memasak nasi
- Ulangi sampai adonan selesai
- Sajikan dengan saos sambal
Tips : experimen pertama dilakukan dengan sekaligus menuangkan seluruh adonan ke dalam magic jar, hasilnya bagian atas masih agak lembek dan teksturnya kurang bagus, jadi sarannya dipisahkan hingga beberapa kali memasak agar adonan tidak terlalu dalam dan memiliki tekstur yang bagus.
Selamat bereksperimen ^^
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Blame the distraction
Today is Sunday, yes everybody in this world notices it. What do you usually do on Sunday? In my case, usually I just spend my whole day watching movies, or unfinished drama, and sometimes reality show like Kpopstar, Indonesian Idol, or just some my favorite US TV series, uhh, such an useless thing right? Today I did some different stuff. I join Mbak Din and Mbak Di going to Dusil, for what? just some silaturahim with other muslimah fellas, and cure my missing feeling on this Mosque.
That's it? i definitely will answer No. I actually plan to go back to my home at 3 p.m, however plan changed. Watching live Kpopstar from sbs streaming tv (korean tv station) and having chitchat about anything with my sisters here is more enjoyable than face the reality that I have to go back to lab to finish my slide for Thursday's presentation.
So if it came out like this, then who is to blame? The answer is me myself. I admit that sometimes it is hard to stick with your schedule and your plan, the situation might change during the process. You yourself and your surrounding of course may affect, but actually yourself the most.
What do you think I am doing right now? Yep I am sitting in front of my computer, writing this post. Again, the distraction win over me.
Do you ever feel it is so hard to concentrate sometimes? You have no idea what to do except doing nothing, think about unimportant think or just listening to the music? Then what do you do to get back your focus? I do this following things
- Listening to the music
- Having a call with my mother
- Read some ayah from Quran to get inspired
- Read some inspiring articles (it can be news, paper *ups, or blog post)
- Singing, record it, then listening my own voice, *this can be a lill narcistic :P
- Writing random blogpost (like what I am doing right now)
Sometimes what I mention above helps me, yes just sometimes, ^^
Anyway, it seems my focus already back,
Let's go back to work, 30 more minutes the day will change into Monday, so let's start this week wonderfully :D
NP: Mad Sounds - Arctic Monkey
That's it? i definitely will answer No. I actually plan to go back to my home at 3 p.m, however plan changed. Watching live Kpopstar from sbs streaming tv (korean tv station) and having chitchat about anything with my sisters here is more enjoyable than face the reality that I have to go back to lab to finish my slide for Thursday's presentation.
So if it came out like this, then who is to blame? The answer is me myself. I admit that sometimes it is hard to stick with your schedule and your plan, the situation might change during the process. You yourself and your surrounding of course may affect, but actually yourself the most.
What do you think I am doing right now? Yep I am sitting in front of my computer, writing this post. Again, the distraction win over me.
Do you ever feel it is so hard to concentrate sometimes? You have no idea what to do except doing nothing, think about unimportant think or just listening to the music? Then what do you do to get back your focus? I do this following things
- Listening to the music
- Having a call with my mother
- Read some ayah from Quran to get inspired
- Read some inspiring articles (it can be news, paper *ups, or blog post)
- Singing, record it, then listening my own voice, *this can be a lill narcistic :P
- Writing random blogpost (like what I am doing right now)
Sometimes what I mention above helps me, yes just sometimes, ^^
Anyway, it seems my focus already back,
Let's go back to work, 30 more minutes the day will change into Monday, so let's start this week wonderfully :D
NP: Mad Sounds - Arctic Monkey
Friday, February 7, 2014
Weight scale - suddenly a nightmare
When I was in high school, I confidently said that I am the one who successfully maintain her weight. Although I ate so many, even much food, I kept my weigh on 48 kilograms, and 50 in maximum. It continues on my college life. After getting older, I mean being in a different state of age :D, it gradually change. I can gain my weight until 54 kilos, and that's my heaviest weight. I dont wanna add it more. However, reality get bitter, In this winter, I have 58.5 kilograms that shocks me. I need to loss my weight in order to stay healthy. Start from the day I saw my weight, weight scale is become my nightmare, perhaps I will only see it again after I able to loss my weight at least 1 kilogram. Blame the winter for being so cold and pursue me to eat more and more, :D
Anyway, in this post, I would like to share these 10 tips from oprah website. 10Rules to Keep the Weight Off Forever!.
Anyway, in this post, I would like to share these 10 tips from oprah website. 10Rules to Keep the Weight Off Forever!.
- Always eat breakfast. Exceptionally when you are fasting of course.
- Put more movement in your life. Stay active
- Beware big food. If you have food which in big serving, you can separated into two or more.
- Keep track. Stay working out
- Plan for the rough patches. Stressful time can lead you into taking more snack and more food, try to do chatting, yoga, or everything but food.
- Take a small step after a slip up. I you usually take two dessert, decrease the number into one.
- Make special occasion count. Not just for the money, but also the menu, and the serving portion
- Dont wait to get a life
- Be consistent. not only for several days, but every day in a week.
- Know it will get easier. We can do it as we used to do it, so keep it as a good habit. Manage your meal, manage your serving, manage your weight.
I also found doing this not an easy job. Me as a student, feels like have no more time except just sitting in front of my computer, and spend my other time for praying and eating, * of course other basic human life activities ^^.
Life well, eat well. :)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
#365Grateful - Calm Winter
Today is snowing in Busan. For the very first time of my life, I see the snow really falling. It's calm winter here in Busan. ^^. The temperature getting warmer and warmer day by day, Do the spring is about to come ? Let's see and enjoy the hot choco :)
Keep yourself on track *well I am in the middle of pursuing my Master Degree just FYI. and this is quote of the day that suits me so well :P
Keep yourself on track *well I am in the middle of pursuing my Master Degree just FYI. and this is quote of the day that suits me so well :P
If you have doubts, don't let them stop you from accomplishing something -- take it one day at a time. Remember, every task you complete gets you closer to finishing.
- How to be a good graduate Student-
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