mmm, bingung memulai darimana, kegalauan hari ini dipersembahkan oleh rencana keberangkatan pergi ski ke Yangsan. Kalau ada yang tanya kenapa musti dibikin galau, jawabnya tak lain dan tak bukan karena masalah duit. Yap, semuanya ini dasarnya uud (baca: ujung-ujungnya duit). Semakin berasa jadi curhatan anak sma yak. Eniwei, tak apalah, memang sengaja tempat ini dijadikan tempat sembunyi sekaligus tempat curhat, hehehe.
Hei, hei, ini tulisannya tentang apa sik? sebenernya buat pelampiasan killing time, karena bosan bosan tak tau apalagi yang harus dilakukan. Mikir thesis lagi ga encer sama sekali ni otak, mikir yang lain-lain apalagi -.-. Then why you write this post? well the answer is I dont know, and that's the ... question of the day. *devil*
Why you should blog ? I read some article, and I found these several point that suits me, why i should start blogging:
- I want to memorize what I have been through
Actually I really wants to write all of the moment even it was good or bad, i just wanna write them down, then later in the future I can show to my children, that their mom have been through all of this silly thing. I can imagine i will tell them with full of small smile. :)
- I need some escape
Nowhere to go, that's what I feel in the first place when I see my all social network account. They all are not appropriate place to just show silly comment or other unuseful thing comes from me.
- I need hiding place
Sometimes what we wanna do is not hide, just dont wanna being found. Yes, I feel that way, sometimes, or somehow. I just need a hiding place.
- I need publish my brainwave privately but still have hope that someone randomly found it, :P
Sometimes my brain contains so many random things. the random thing that me myself can not understand it either.
- I need to get back on the game
Writing, actually is one of my hobby in the first place, but lack of time, and lack of passion, makes me just leave it behind. *this is just an alibi actually :D
Thanks for reading this silly post, see ya ^^
- Rockkete
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